Cornish One and All

This is an update to the single page site we initially created for Sam and Andrew who travelled across India in a Tuk Tuk. The new page has some neat features added in to it where the user can track the daily progress of the 3 crazy Cornishmen as they travel across India in their TukTuk. The embedded Google Map is updated every 3 minutes with data from which takes GPS co-ordinates via a phone application (in this case an iPhone) and stores it in it’s database. This data is accessed via an API, updated in a local mySQL database and ultimately displayed on the map as a series of points joined together with drawn polygons. All quite technical but great when it all works as planned!

Also added a Twitter feed and an area where registered Facebookers can add comments to the page, in real time. PS: Anyone interested in donating to their chosen charity – Shelterbox can do so on the site or