Adding e-commerce to your website

When it comes to SEO there are many factors that contribute to your site ‘making it to page one’ – the Holy Grail! I’m not an expert on all the latest algorithms (yawn yawn) that Google is rolling out – on a regular basis these days so I’ve been reliably informed.

Actually it is a full time job just keeping up with the latest SEO trends and a job that I would certainly not relish. Don’t get me wrong I do have a passing interest in the magical and mysterious world of ‘off-page’ seomasters, but to be honest I don’t have the patience. Fortunately for me I have found a very good SEO Guy (from in case you were wondering) who is more than happy to immerse himself in all that jazz.

So why the article? Well I wanted to share something that has just happened to one of my client’s site ( Now the site is about 4 months old, give or take a few weeks, and has been slowly creeping up the rankings – thanks to our good friend the SEO guy and also in no small part due to myself and the client continuously adding new vans and small bits of content (yes he sells French HY Vans). The site has been ranking pretty well for all the obvious searches – ie: HY Vans for Sale, HY Restorations etc.

Anyway, we added a small shop to the site a few days ago. Now I was expecting some increase in rankings but not to the extent that I have just witnessed! As you can see from the screenshot for one very generic term (‘HY Parts – Second Hand’) the site is ranking in the top 6 places! So since Tuesday, barely less than 2 days, it has leapt into Google for that search term. I must say I am pretty amazed and very pleased. Like I say I am no expert but it’s good knowledge to have and to pass on to anyone thinking of adding some e-commerce to their site.

If you are interested in the e-commerce system that’s being used or want to talk about selling things online I’m happy to have a chat. Just contact me here.

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